Sunday, September 7, 2008

Umbrella Required for Living in Lewes

We got here and are all excited about school starting tomorrow for Eleanor and Robert. I almost know my way around town -- the other three navigate like natives already. Well, that's what happens when you take a girl from Miami with a grid laid out in the 1950s and put her in a town laid out in 1087 with no right angles. Fortunately, just about every street meets up with the "High" Street, the English name for Main Street in most towns. I was most worried about Robert's adjustment and actually he's been a trooper. Every restaurant is his favorite. He has learned to ask for chips and he will readily order fish fingers, chips and peas (with ketchup on all) everywhere. Fortunately, or unfortunately, every place will serve this dish. Eleanor played football on Saturday -- and was the only girl in her age group. Good for her! Now if we can just get it to stop raining 5-6 times a day, all would be perfect, though now that Robert has wellies, it doesn't matter that much. Next up....more about Sussex, schools and traveling across the country by train....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Need more updates! And pictures